Dehumidifiers Classified Ads


Desiccant refers to a substance that can remove moisture from moist materials. Desiccant can be divided into silica gel desiccant, calcium chloride desiccant, clay desiccant, container desiccant, activated carbon desiccant, molecular sieve desiccant and fiber desiccant. Container desiccant can avoid the occurrence of defective products caused by excess moisture. For example, super dry desiccant can effectively control the humidity change caused by the temperature change in the container.


A dehumidifier is any substance that absorbs moisture from the air, also known as a desiccant. According to the state of the hygroscopic agent, it can be divided into three types: solid moisture absorbent, liquid moisture absorbent and gas hygroscopic agent. The dehumidifier we provide can be divided into interior dehumidifier, car dehumidifier, wardrobe dehumidifier and small space dehumidifier. Reusable dehumidifier bag is a useful kind of car dehumidifier. It has strong moisture absorption,
